Please view Stress: Portrait of a Killer (also on Netflix) and consider the following questions for discussion. As critical thinkers, you may find gaps and strengths in his methodology and interpretation of findings, not to mention implications and generalizations of his work; however, this video also captures some simple principles and unavoidable truths that we experience in organizational culture and our daily lives. Enjoy learning about these principles through this entertaining documentary. Given this context, consider the following questions for discussion:
- What can we learn from this study in the context of human social systems, organizational life, climate, culture, role of hardiness for leadership etc.?
- One of the findings in the study indicated that the amount of control is directly related to where you are at in the hierarchy. What is the prescription for individuals not at the top?
- What is your role in contributing to a work setting that allows for human flourishing from the context of this film and other readings? Discuss struggles and successes and weave in hardiness principles, coping & self-care.
- Anything else?